I try to use as many natural and eco-friendly cleaning products in my client's homes as well as my own home as possible. Here are some of the reasons why I like to use them and why you should too.....

They are safer and kinder to the environment
They are less harmful to both you and your home
They reduce plastic waste
They contain fewer allergens
They are usually cruelty free (not tested on animals)
They are more gentle on sensitive skin
They are safer for every day use
They can be more cost effective
They contain no caustic chemicals
They are safer to use around children and pets
They are less likely to cause accidental stains
They reduce the risk of indoor pollution
Natural ingredients can help to support local communities and businesses
They are more sustainable
They are less corrosive
They don't contribute to the development of drug resistant bacteria
They smell better than conventional cleaning chemicals
As you can see, there are so many reasons to make the switch to natural and eco-friendly products in your own home too. I am working hard to raise awareness of this and show the world that excellent cleaning need not be harmful to anything, except for germs and dirt! Some of my favourite eco-friendly cleaning brands are Astonish, Delphis, Ecover, Fabulosa, Koh, Method, Miniml, Neat, Ocean Saver, Purdy & Figg, Smol and Stardrops (The Pink Stuff). And if you really want to be innovative, check out the probiotic cleaning products by Ingenious Probiotics. You can also make your own natural eco-friendly cleaning products using items that you may already have in your kitchen such as bicarbonate of soda, lemons and white vinegar. In fact, vinegar is a fantastic natural cleaner that's effective for various household tasks. It's one product I could never be without!