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  • Writer's pictureBroadland Housekeeping

Environmental Policy

Updated: Aug 7

I recognise that all cleaning activity and the day-to-day running of my business has an impact on the environment. In an effort to safeguard the environment for future generations, I attempt to minimise the impact of my business both locally and further afield, by considering all activity undertaken by myself, as well as the materials and services offered by suppliers. Wherever possible, I will strive to make choices that take the environment into consideration and conserve resources. I will continually review and improve such measures as technology and the environment evolves.

Such measures include: 

  • Checking the sustainability and source of all cleaning fluids and chemicals 

  • Using domestic suppliers where possible, reducing the carbon footprint of international imports 

  • Considering the sustainability and environmental policies of all suppliers 

  • Encouraging the use of alternatives to paper products, wet wipes and disposable cloths 

  • Encouraging the use of reusable products and materials as opposed to disposable ones

  • Using eco-friendly products in recycled packaging that are cruelty free, naturally based and vegan where possible

  • Keeping the use of harsh chemicals to a minimum and using only as a last resort on heavy build-up 

  • Using concentrated chemicals and refillable containers to minimise the consumption of packaging and the impact of transporting chemicals 

  • Minimising water, single use plastic, chemical and other wastage 

  • Recycling or reusing all used packaging and containers after use 

  • Condensing orders for materials to reduce the number of deliveries required 

  • Utilising technology to share information digitally and minimise the use of paper and printers 

  • Car sharing and walking/cycling to client’s homes where possible 

  • Where the purchase of paper products is necessary, ensuring that they are sourced from sustainable, well managed forests

  • Ensuring that I am suitably trained to consider the environment and am mindful of my business's environmental policy 

  • Steering clients towards positive environmental choices and adopting the latest, low impact cleaning processes wherever possible

  • Considering the environmental commitment when planning all new cleaning projects 

  • Planning all work so that vehicle use is minimised

  • Prioritising energy efficient practices to minimise my carbon footprint 

  • Using plastic-free, biodegradable, sustainable cleaning materials such as bamboo, cellulose and coconut fibre where possible 

  • Composting plant based, biodegradable sponges and scourers at the end of their useful life

  • Relocating house spiders rather than killing them

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