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  • Writer's pictureBroadland Housekeeping

Vacuum Cleaner Maintenance

Updated: May 3

Vacuum cleaner maintenance may seem boring until the day your fairly new and expensive vacuum is not picking up all the bits off the floor. The most common cause of loss of suction is blockages. Regular maintenance can help to keep your vacuum cleaner as good as the first time you used it and helps to prevent nasty smells. Any kind of blockage can make the machine slow to pick up and quick to overheat so really get to know your vacuum cleaner. Study the instruction manual and learn how to strip down and rebuild your vacuum cleaner so you are able to clear any hidden blockages.

Many vacuums have at least one washable filter. Many people are guilty of forgetting to wash them but you've paid a lot of hard earned money for your vacuum cleaner, so keep it performing at its best by regularly cleaning the filters. Check where your vacuum's filters are located, then remove and tap against a hard surface to remove any clumps of dust (do this outside or you'll end up surrounded by a dust cloud!) If it is washable, run the filter under lukewarm water and allow to air dry thoroughly (at least 24 hours) before returning it to your machine. Additional filters in your machine may not be washable, so ensure you check the instruction manual. If they're not washable, just tap them against a surface to remove any clumps, then return them to your machine. Ideally, you should be cleaning your vacuum filters every month. If you have a pleated filter that is not washable, it will need to be replaced around once a year.

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